Namaste. My name is Nikki. I’ m a yoga teacher. I’ m teaching Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga at Bali Yoga School. What is Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga? Ashtanga is a name taken from the Patanjali Yoga Sutra, which means eight-point method to transcending our consciousness to a higher state of reality. These eight steps are: First, Yama. Focus on ethical standards and morals. Second is Niyama. Self-discipline. Third, Asana. It’ s postures that we practice when we do our yoga practice. The next is Pranayama. Breath control. The fifth is Pratyahara. Withdrawing all the senses. Sixth is Dharana. Concentration. Seventh, Jnana. Samadhi. Or uninterrupted flow of concentration. And lastly, Eighth is, Samadhi. Oneness to the Self. And what is Vinyasa? Vinyasa means flow. Breathing. Moving with breath.

So, Ashtanga Vinyasa is an active and dynamic form of yoga that synchronizes breath with movement, creating a flowing set of asana postures. Even though this practice can be very challenging and demanding, but it is not just a power yoga. Why? First, the structure of the sequence. It’ s actually a preparation from one asana to the next. So, when you practice daily, it will really build a more solid foundation of your asana practice. And it does not just end there. It will lead you to go deeper inside. The sequence goes from the outer to the inner. So, it will transform you inside out. And secondly, it’ s actually emphasized on commitment and discipline. As it is said in the Yoga Sutra, that practice is firmly grounded, is pursued consistently for a long period of time with right attitude.
It is required to practice daily, six days a week. And why is it so important to build our daily practice? Because what we do every day, it will define who you are. And lastly, the repetition. Repeating the same sets of sequence every time will create a rita, a natural flow in your body for healing and transformation through beautification process. So, in the end, what is the benefit of practicing Astanga? First, as I mentioned above, Astanga yoga follows a specific philosophy and wisdom of teaching. These practices will guide how to make our life more meaningful through ethical and moral lessons to the self. Second, psychologically, practicing Astanga, we focus on breathing. So, it helps to calm our nervous system. It can reduce our stress and anxiety. Also, it will help mental clarity, building mindfulness, awareness, and inner peace. And the third, psychologically, no, physically, if we practice Astanga daily, it will really improve all aspects of our body. It strengthens more flexibility, also more balance and stability. Also, it will improve our digestive system, immune system, and also our stamina and endurance. Ultimately, the true benefit of practicing Astanga will transform your life completely. Thank you. And if you’ re interested in practicing Astanga Vinyasa with us, you can reach us through our website at Bali Yoga School. Thank you.
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